In my role at Compliance Wave, I'm fortunate. I get to speak to dozens of people in the Compliance community every week, and I'm constantly reminded of your creativity, logic, and pragmatic thinking, to say nothing of your ability to plan and execute.
That's why we find it enjoyable to sometimes "go meta" and share observations and reflections about the kinds of discussions we're having with your fellow Compliance professionals.
Being September, it's no surprise that there's a different quality in the air as everyone gets ready to sprint to the end of the year. Well into August, we were still having a substantial number of meetings that included questions like "Imagine a program that had X, Y, and Z?!" "What if we tried this--or that--or both?" and "Do you plan on having <insert niche topic here>?"
But now that the days are a little shorter, and the nights a little cooler (at least at my home here in Bucks County, PA), I'm witnessing a distinct--and very appropriate--shift from strategy to tactics.
I'm reminded of the basics of journalism I learned in the 6th grade (thank you Ms. Miller!) and how that often maps to a certain progression in the conversations we have with you all...
- Who? Tell us about your competitors, your origins, leadership, your members?
- What? What does a Library offer my Compliance program? What topics and tools should I deploy in my program?
- Where? (To be fair, this applies a bit less since we provide digital solutions delivered via the Internet, but the short Answer is Red Bank, NJ). But there’s a corollary "where" in that people want to know about our maturity as a company, our product roadmap, and what we see as the future of Compliance Communications. In other words, “where are we?”
- Why? An overhwhelming majority of you are sharing the many and varied reasons you'd like to see effective and economical Communications strategies put in place.
- How? This, in September, is the type of conversation we're having daily. Many of you have researched new ideas and vendors and solutions for your program, and now some very compelling questions are on the table for planning and deploying effective Communications that affect employee behavior: "How do I deliver a video experience when Internet connectivity or computer access is an issue?" "How can we craft campaigns that are impactful but not overwhelming?" "How can we include and embed lean learning tools to enhance our face-to-face and online training?" "How can I ensure effective Communications for my global workforce?"
These great questions--besides being refreshing and thought provoking—reveal a very important process in action. While every Compliance program has its own needs and nuances, the fact that your "How?” questions are a dominant theme across the board right now demonstrates just how many of you are actively planning for powerful short-form communications to drive more effective, holistic Compliance programs.