1/8/16: It really is a small world, at least for global anti-corruption enforcement. An Anti-Bribery Alert by law firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP highlights recent actions by the UK’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO), as well as the link between those actions and the US Department of Justice...
Compliance Communications Blog
12/2/15: The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces anti-discrimination laws. According to its FY 2015 Performance Report, the Commission has been busy, awarding $525 million for victims of discrimination in private, state and local government, and federal workplaces. That might not seem like much when compared to the financial returns in FCPA cases, but the EEOC’s cases illustrate the compliance risks that exist in every company and agency in the country.
12/2/15: Do corporate officers and managers deserve to be sentenced to jail for corruption or bribery committed in their organizations under their watch? Well, that’s a loaded question and answers will be all over the map. A more useful question might be this: is prison an effective punishment ...
11/17/15: It’s a good idea to keep up with DOJ thinking and plans when you operate a business under the DOJ’s jurisdiction, even if the policies are unreleased. Referencing an article published in the Washington Post (and linked in the blog post), the FCPA Professor offers...
11/3/2015: If the threat of multi-million dollar fines isn’t enough to discourage corporate wrongdoing, what is? The question has swirled around since the DOJ ramped up its anti-corruption enforcement efforts. Billions of dollars have been returned to the federal purse but very few...