2/10/20: An article on the website of Billerudkorsnas, a company that provides sustainable packaging materials and systems asks, “How Ethical Is Your Supply Chain?” Supply chains are sources of substantial regulatory, legal and reputational risk...
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2/10/20: “It has been another strong year in anti-corruption enforcement …” begins the client alert from law firm Covington & Burling LLP as introduction to its 2019 Year in Review: Top Anti-Corruption Enforcement Trends and Developments. The 9-page report goes on to review some of last year’s enforcement highlights and, more important, point to those actions by regulatory and enforcement agencies that will impact organizations in 2020...
2/10/20: The headline of its approximately settlements totaling nearly $4 billion turned eyes on Airbus but the head-turning number only told the end of the story. A number of reporters, compliance practitioners and legal firms have released good analyses of the company’s long-term violations....
2/10/20: The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently released a breakdown of the workplace discrimination charges it received in FY 2019. The numbers give compliance officers insight into the risks posed by types of discrimination in the workplace...
1/27/20: “The reputational risk that can result from allegations of noncompliance with corruption, bribery or money-laundering regulations is one of the biggest threats facing organizations today,” writes Marc Tasse in an article published by Corporate Compliance Insights...