11/18/19: There are a number of alternative working formats that have gained traction in recent years including job sharing, digital employment and co-working. In a recent post on The FCPA Blog, Richard L. Cassin focuses on co-working. He has a personal perspective on the topic, since he works in that format and recognizes the potential risks for non-compliance and exposure of corporate information...
Compliance Communications Blog
11/5/19: The saga of Mylan and the EpiPen gained national attention when the cost of the drug skyrocketed. The SEC’s interest in the issues surrounding the EpiPen and its manufacturer involved Medicaid fraud...
11/5/19: In prepared remarks for the Global Investigations Review Live, Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski announced new guidance for Criminal Division prosecutors in evaluating assertions about the ability of business organizations to pay a criminal fine or monetary penalty. ....
11/5/19: While the China/US trade dispute makes the headlines, anti-corruption in on the menu for China with a different entity. The United Nations and the National Commission of Supervision of the People’s Republic of China have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on cooperation in the fight against corruption....