Compliance Communications Blog

The Communicate Compliance Blog: What's It All About?


Last Friday morning I met with my team like I usually do, and we got all fired up like we usually do. I was mentioning a talk I gave in New York a few weeks ago at one of the Regional SCCE conferences where I had made a number of claims about why corporate employees engage in non-compliant behaviors – and how the right compliance communications can rapidly and radically change those behaviors.  The team was excited because we have committed this period of our life together to creating powerful tools to help compliance professionals do just that – dramatically change employee behavior and increase the effectiveness of their compliance programs – and ideas for new communications tools were flying.

“I wish there were a way,” I said to the team, “not just to create new tools using these principles, but to organize the ideas themselves into a format we could share on a regular basis with our industry friends, Compliance Wave Member companies, and others.”  There was a long pause and one of the guys finally said “how ‘bout that blog we’ve been telling you for the last year you need to be writing as part of our marketing program?”  “Oh, that,” I said.

So why did I finally commit to writing this blog I have been desperately avoiding writing?  Because I’ve finally got leverage on myself and I now associate more pleasure with writing the blog and more pain with not writing the blog.  I’ll explain this in my next post.  Meanwhile, in the interest of “telling them what I’m going to tell them,” (you know the old training adage, right?) I want to share, generally, what this blog is about.

  1. How expectations for corporate compliance communications programs (among compliance professionals, the US Dept of Justice, the UK Ministry of Justice) etc., have greatly intensified over the past years.
  1. That multi-modal, multi-channel communications is a reality for many companies and need not be difficult.  I’ll talk about what companies are doing and how they make it simple.
  1. Behavior change!  Perhaps the most important foundational impulse in the creation of Compliance Wave is the idea that simple, scientifically proven, behavior change methodologies can be embedded into compliance communications and have powerful effects on employee behavior.  I’ll explore a number of these themes over time.

So that’s what I’m “going to tell them…”  Stay tuned!

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