Compliance Communications Blog

Communications Governance Tips For Managing Compliance


At least weekly, we're asked our opinion about governance. We're asked by professionals who know "big G" Governance (as in "GRC")  like the back of their hands, so it's an important distinction thatGovernance they are asking about strategies, best practices, and methods for Communications governance. 

The influx of information to your employees can be staggering:

  • New hire training, policies, functional, technical, and productivity training.  
  • Procedural changes, new products and services, rules of engagement, reporting.  
  • Automated alerts from productivity, back office, and online training systems.

It seems everyone wants a piece of your employees' time. That can create a lot of noise, but you can cut through it and governance has a role.  Taking control of your processes and ensuring employees get the right Compliance messages at the right time is easier than you might think.  

5 elements of Communications Governance

  1. Establish Objectives
    Whether you're looking for a certain amount of coverage, clicks, or frequency of communications, clarify what you're trying to achieve with your Communications plan. 

  2. Harmonize
    Are there other initiatives, even from your own department, that could interfere with your Compliance messages?  The most effective Communications plan in the world can be diminished by having to compete for employee mindshare. Stay coordinated with other training and communications initiatives so your messages don't become part of the din.  

  3. Tools  
    One of the simplest governance tools in the world is a shared Calendar.  By having a clear view of the quarter or year, you reduce the risk of discordant or disruptive messaging. 
    Tip: reach out to Marketing or Corporate Communications, as they may have campaign templates that will help you manage your Compliance Communications.

  4. Roles
    This can be as simple as knowing who presses the button to deploy a video or who's responsible for the LMS, but clear role definition will keep things efficient and manageable, especially when emerging issues or adjustments throw you a curve ball.  
  5. Monitor & Manage
    As you gauge the coverage and effectiveness of your Communications (use surveys, direct feedback, completions, quizzing, etc.), leave a little room.  Management includes being able to adapt to new topics or threats. Your plan shouldn't be so rigid or packed-in that you can't adjust it if needed. 

Even if you start out with just one or two of the above elements, you'll take more control of your outbound Communications and improve the odds of meeting the end goal -- a resonant employee experience that changes behavior and increases the defensibility of your program.   

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