12/03/19: The new year is almost upon us, and we have been very busy here at Compliance Wave creating an array of new additions for our Compliance Libraries. We are proud to keep expanding and providing The World's Largest Compliance Communications Libraries to Fortune 500 companies, enterprises, and small businesses alike on a global scale. Compliance Wave's Libraries now reach over 4-million employees worldwide.
"We are excited to be expanding the Compliance Wave Mircolearning Libraries." says Compliance Wave Managing Director, Joel Rogers, "Microlearning is engaging, effective, and current. Our expansion is driven by our client requests and it indicates that companies are ready to transition from the old, boring compliance training model to one that meet the needs of today's workforce."
To learn more about what is coming to The Compliance Wave Libraries in 2020, download or view our 2020 Roadmap by clicking link below. The Roadmap details each topic, new specialized Libraries, training tracks and more that you should be taking advantage of in the new year.