6/30/15: By now, Tanaka has become synonymous with airbags, recalls, and quality failures. But, here’s another ingredient in the increasingly ugly stew: worker safety. That’s right. Worker safety. At least that’s the explanation reported in a New York Times article referenced by Tom Fox reprinted on the JDSupra Business...Advisor website. According to the NYT article, reporters Hiroko Tabuchi and Danielle Ivory wrote “In the middle of what would become the largest automotive recall in US history, the Japanese airbag manufacturer Takata halted global safety audits to save money”. Interesting (or perhaps ominously might be a better word) Takata responded by saying it had not halted safety audits for products but rather for worker safety.” Slashed worker safety programs have been the cause of tragic industrial accidents and employee deaths but Tom Fox takes a deeper dive into the link between safety, ethics and corruption.