Compliance Communications Blog: Training, Best Practices And Tips

Where Corruption and Human Rights Meet

Written by Compliance Wave | January 13, 2020 at 8:56 PM

12/31/19: The link between corruption and negative impacts on human rights comes as no surprise to observers of international business, government or even the actions by individuals. An article on Covington and Burling LLP’s Global Policy Watch drills into that reality, bringing to light just how tight the link is between the two and what governments are trying to do about it... 

The four authors have a huge topic to tackle, noting “Internationally recognized human rights commonly impacted by corruption include labour rights (e.g., the prohibition against forced labour), land rights, rights surrounding security and safety, the rights to education and health, access to justice, and gender equality.”  Fortunately, the article outlines some of the legal and regulatory victories, no matter how limited, and provides a heads-up to compliance and legal professionals about the status of new and emerging laws covering the issues...